DR UK ambassador at Hate Crime event


Prevention, Protection, Prosecution: Effectively Tackling Hate Crime in Every Community.

Time and date: 10:15am - 4:30pm, Wednesday 13th July 2016

Venue: Park Plaza Westminster Bridge London

Stephen Brookes MBE, DR UK ambassador and Co-ordinator, Disability Hate Crime Network, will be speaking at this event

Delegates will:

  • Determine how to increase rates of reporting by raising confidence in the criminal justice system and providing better support for victims.
  • Develop improved methods for identifying, understanding and responding to hate crime across the criminal justice system to ensure effective sentencing.
  • Evaluate how to combat harmful narratives, attitudes and behaviours to build cohesive communities based upon mutual respect and tolerance.
  • Analyse how to safeguard against online abuse, support and empower victims, and tackle its perpetration. 
  • Share examples of best practice concerning effective operational responses, service provision and targeted policing to prevent repeat victimisation. 
  • Discuss the implications of 'Brexit' and determine how best to combat division within UK communities. 

Find out more on the Public Policy Exchange website