Universal Credit roll out for all new claims begins May 2016
The full Universal Credit service remains on track to be delivered nationally for all types of claimants from May 2016, completing in June 2018.
This schedule provides the latest planning assumptions for sites that will transition to the full Universal Credit (UC) service during 2016.
The full Universal Credit service will be open to all new claims from all claimant types, including anyone who would normally claim Employment and Support Allowance.
Anyone who is currently on existing benefits or Tax Credits and has a change of circumstance that would naturally trigger a new claim to Universal Credit will have their entire household assessed under UC.
After the transition process has completed in mid-2018 DWP will begin migrating all remaining existing benefit claimants to the full Universal Credit service, this part of the process will complete in 2021.
You can find out all about Universal Credit and how it affects you by purchasing edition 41 of our Disability Rights Handbook, which is now available for pre-order.