I Can Make It keeps rolling during the winter months


December: a time for relaxing, thinking about how to enjoy/survive Christmas and winding down.

Not if you’re a campaigner (amongst other jobs) though. Instead it’s a time for keeping up momentum and setting the scene for the New Year!

On Tuesday we had a very positive meeting with Rowena Clewlow from our funder Comic Relief, on our plans for I Can Make It’s next eighteen months.  We also received some good traction on social media. On Wednesday we were mentioned in a report that the All Parliamentary Group on Disability released on employment called “Ahead of the Arc”. The report has been and continues to be endorsed by a growing number of MPs, and has been widely reported on.

Looking forward, two of our champions from Manchester will be in action on Monday morning in a meeting with Salford City Council as a result of strong preparation this week. So we’ve had another busy week, in a busy month.

Although the run up to Christmas may not be a great time for recruiting volunteer champions, we’d like to buck that trend in cities across Northern England and especially in Leeds. Having established contact with Leeds City Council we’re looking for two more young people with disabilities to join our existing champion there in order to create new job opportunities for young people with disabilities. So if you are 18-29, have a disability or health condition and want to join us in helping to improve the career prospects of yourself and other young disabled people, then please get in touch with us on 0207 250 8193 or via leo.capella@disabilityrightsuk.org

I Can Make It