DR UK holds seminar on inclusive apprenticeships and skills development
Disability Rights UK held an Inclusive Apprenticeships and Skills Development Seminar at Resource for London on 18 October 2016.
View a report of the day and presentations
Disability Rights UK believes that every disabled person should be able to develop his or her skills, knowledge and work opportunities and fully participate and contribute to society.
This free seminar was intended to broaden understanding of how to overcome barriers to progression into work experience and employment and to raise awareness for making apprenticeships, traineeships and supported internships more accessible for people living with a range of impairments and health conditions.
It explored ways to address changes in practice and culture with providers, educators and employers and discussed how to support disabled people to pursue their goals, ambitions and aspirations for work.
We aim to promote peer support and share information and good practice with all stakeholders.
Speakers include representatives from DWP/Access to Work, Remploy, Disability Rights UK, MicrolinkPC and Action on Disability. For more information about the day see our seminar agenda