ENIL Press Release – Human Rights Recommendations to the EU from the CRPD Committee
“The Committee recommends that the European Union develop an approach to guide and foster deinstitutionalization”
The European Union (EU) has been examined for the first time by a UN human rights committee in Geneva – the expert Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Having ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2010, the EU was called to present the work it has done on the implementation of the Convention since then.
ENIL was present for the EU review in Geneva to follow the constructive dialogue between the UN and the EU.
“ENIL has been ringing the alarm bell for many years on the widening gap between the promise of our human rights as enshrined in the CRPD and the continued reality of marginalization, discrimination and institutionalization of disabled people in Europe. The UN expert committee in its concluding observations provides a strong and comprehensive set of recommendations to the EU for a better implementation of the CRPD and the advancement of our rights. We especially applaud the very explicit recommendation on the correct use of EU funding for deinstitutionalization. The EU is urged to cooperate with the Member States to prevent the effects of austerity measures on the living conditions of disabled persons, a strong reflection of the concerns of the Independent Living movement. We hope and encourage the EU and all its institutions to see these recommendations as an obligation and a firm mandate to fully address our human rights in all their work and to show great leadership and guidance to the Member States in implementing the Convention and making Independent Living a reality for all.”
Peter Lambreghts, ENIL Senior Officer