Disability Rights UK’s reaction to the 2015 spending review


We welcome the increase in support for the Access to Work scheme, which disabled people have long been calling for; and the announcement of the joint work and health unit. But the impact could be limited and we seriously struggle to see how the Government will reach its aspiration to halve the employment gap for disabled people.

In the meantime, people currently too sick for work face a cut in their benefit of £30 a week whilst the Government pours money into poor value employment support programmes, makes disabled people respond to meaningless Job Centre requirements and fails to provide employers with the information and advice they need.

The U turn on tax credits is welcome, although we’re acutely aware this is just delaying the pain – the taper on benefit will stand as universal credit is rolled out and people will see their income cut.

The 2% precept to fund social care means the potential for an increase in social care funding but is likely to see an increase in the postcode lottery for care. Some local authorities may choose not to implement it; and  there’s still not enough social care funding to support disabled people to live independently.

View our spending review summary