Adult social care complaints up by a fifth with more than half upheld

Wed,11 November 2015

The Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) says that 2,803 complaints and enquiries about adult social care were received in 2014/2015 - an increase of 18% on the previous year - and that, in 55% of cases that were investigated, the complaint was upheld.

Today's Annual Review of Adult Social Care Complaints 2014/2015 report is being published as part of the LGO’s role as the social care ombudsman, to encourage transparency and accountability across the whole adult social care complaints system.

The areas most complained about within adult social care to the LGO are:

  • assessment and care planning;
  • residential care;
  • home care; an
  • charging and safeguarding.

The LGO continues to see a year-on-year increase in the number of complaints it receives about independent care providers, where there has been no involvement from a council, however this remains around 10% of its entire adult social care caseload.

As the social care ombudsman, the LGO investigates unresolved complaints about all adult care services – including care that is privately funded as well as publicly arranged.

The LGO is free to use, impartial and independent. It publishes reports of its investigations to share lessons learned and help improve public services.

All its decisions are published at

The LGO Annual Review of Adult Social Care Complaints 2014/2015 is available @