Our work in National Apprenticeship Week


As part of National Apprenticeship Week, our education adviser Tony Stevens presented at a strategic workshop on 12 February to update and discuss issues relating to apprenticeships for disabled people

This was a follow up to a 2012 report produced by Peter Little OBE for the government which made 20 recommendations for creating inclusive apprenticeships.

Tony presented Disability Rights UK's Into Apprenticeships guide which deals with common questions such as how to find an apprenticeship, whether the training will be accessible and what support is available in the workplace. The guide also contains several inspiring stories written by disabled apprentices about their own experiences and the challenges they have faced.

Disability Rights UK submitted its main policy concerns around apprenticeships, which are:

  • Unnecessary barriers with Level 2 English and Maths qualifications 
  • Particular impairment groups facing more disadvantage
  • The need for training providers to be bolder with employers
  • The need for a more personalised and responsive Access to Work system

Disability Rights UK's Into Apprenticeships is a guide for disabled people, parents and key advisers about applying for apprenticeships in England.

Into Apprenticeships deals with common questions such as how to find an apprenticeship, whether the training will be accessible and what support is available in the workplace. There are several inspiring stories written by disabled apprentices about their own experiences and the challenges they have faced. The guide also contains a useful resources section listing further websites, publications and organisations which can help.

Into Apprenticeships is free to download