NHS England want patient representatives
NHS England are looking to recruit three or four public and patient representatives who would like to join their digital steering group with the aim of shaping and steering the infrastructure for the Participation Academy, and the NHS People Bank.
They are seeking support and input from patients, services users and public voice representatives with an interest in participation work. Steering group meetings will be held in our offices in Leeds (Quarry House), and will take place on a monthly basis.
If you would like to express your interest in joining the Steering group, could you please submit the attached form to Jonathan.leahy@nhs.net by midday Friday 14 August at the latest.
As spaces are limited for joining the steering group, NHS England intend to invite all applicants to their future user testing workshops, which will be taking place in different parts of the country over the Autumn, this will be a further opportunity to help shape the design and infrastructure of the Participation Academy and NHS People Bank. Details of venues, times etc will be provided over the coming weeks.
If you have any support needs / access needs, please let NHS England know and they can discuss how they can support you. If you are an individual patient/carer/service user/public voice representative NHS England will cover your expenses in line with their expenses policy.