Churches demand benefit sanctions review


Disability Rights UK supports the churches and charities calling for a review of the benefits sanctions system

It has been 100 days since the Work and Pensions Select Committee called for a full independent review of the benefit sanctions system, but the Government has not indicated any intention to conduct a review.

A group of Churches and charities is calling urgently for the Government to heed the Committee's report and act on its recommendations.

In the same 100 day period last year, 346,256 people who were on Jobseeker's Allowance and 35,554 people on Employment Support Allowance were referred for sanctions.

92,558 of those referrals were the result of bureaucratic error. These resulted in 175,177 sanctions for Jobseekers and 11,129 for those out of work due to ill health.

The call for a review is supported by the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland, the Church in Wales, the Methodist Church, United Reformed Church and by charities Church Action on Poverty, Gingerbread and Mind.

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