BBC 3s Defying the Label season

Sun,19 July 2015

A season of compelling, untold stories revealing a glimpse of life as a young, disabled person will start to air tonight

Through 15 specialist documentaries, current affairs features, a factual drama and a comedy panel game show, BBC Three’s ‘Defying the Label’ season will explore issues ranging from invisible injuries to acquiring a disability later in life; sex and romance; poverty; bullying; hate crime and role models.

Damian Kavanagh, Controller of BBC Three, says: “This incredibly powerful range of programmes has been designed to speak honestly to our open-minded BBC Three viewers. With the channel’s strong reputation for delivering hard-hitting, critically acclaimed seasons including Crime and Punishment and Mental Health season, ‘Defying the Label’ will challenge the views of our savvy audiences whilst questioning perspectives and attitudes towards young disabled people in the UK today.”

Airing over four consecutive weeks, the season will feature the following programmes:

Don’t Take My Baby

Me & My New Brain

The Ugly Face Of Disability Hate Crime

The Unbreakables: Life & Love On Disability Campus

The World’s Worst Place To Be Disabled?

The Boy Who Wants His Leg Cut Off

Wanted: A Very Personal Assistant

Disabled In An Instant

Life Begins Now

Epilepsy & Me

Find A Home For My Brother

The Totally Senseless Game Show