06 Strategic partner updates July 2015


Health and Social Care update from our work as Strategic Partner to the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England

Disability Rights UK heads up a user-led consortium as one of 22 strategic partners in the voluntary sector. Our name is ‘Win-Win Alliance – disabled people leading change’. This programme is commissioned by our system partners, the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England. As strategic partner we are well placed to raise particular challenges facing our members of disabled people’s user-led organisations. We also ensure that information and opportunities to engage with system partners reach our members through this and other updates, forums, meetings and discussions, and we regularly inform about funding opportunities (which you may pursue with or without Disability Rights UK). This month we particularly invite our members’ contributions to a new research & development project on ‘user-driven commissioning. For any comments and/or ideas about how to strengthen ‘disabled people leading change’, please get in touch with Bernd.Sass@disabilityrightsuk.org 

With some support of the Strategic Partnership Programme and an ESRC grant we want to focus on ‘what makes change happen?’ The special thing about this initiative is that it has both development and research elements – so we can help make things better and then study the impact that this is having. If we co-produce projects, can we disabled people have a positive impact on professionals and on what they are doing? How does this happen?

Maybe your DPULO is already involved with the local Clinical Commissioning Group or Adult Social Care department – say on co-producing experience and outcome measures that would be written into provider contracts to determine (to an extent) the payment of these providers. Or peer support is really about to take off from a well resourced and supported basis in your local area?

If you would like to work with us on any such projects in the future or simply showcase what you have done, please get in touch with Bernd Sass at Disability Rights UK bernd.sass@disabilityrightsuk.org . Or call him directly on 07906 521536.

Further specific news  

Peer support survey

The Win-Win Alliance is part of the Sussex Peer Support Network. For the next 2 years, Bipolar UK will be a strategic partner on a project called Peer Support For All. Evaluation of peoples experiences of peer support will be carried out throughout the project, with initial research aimed at developing a list of the core 'principles and values' of peer support.

As part of this project the evaluators McPin have recently launched an
online survey, to ensure that they capture the views of people with a
range of experiences. This survey is open to anyone who has experienced
peer support, in any of its forms. I would be grateful if you could complete this and also circulate this link to anyone you think would be interested in



2-3 September: come to EXPO and meet Disability Rights UK, too!

The Win-Win Alliance will showcase and discuss several user-driven commissioning projects together with the University of Bristol and the Young People's Health Partnership at the EXPO’s Pop-up university.

The two-day exhibition and conference, at Manchester Central on 2 and 3 September, will be a unique opportunity for the voluntary and community sector to find out about what the NHS Five Year Forward View means for us, and how we will be involved in designing and delivering new, joined-up models of health and social care. Register now online (details below) and you can attend for free. 

NHS England’s Chief Executive Simon Stevens made clear in Autumn 2014, as he unveiled his Five Year Forward View, that he wants to simplify and increase NHS investment in voluntary-sector services. He will be delivering a keynote speech at Expo 2015, while delegates will also hear views from former CentrePoint Chief Executive Lord Victor Adebowale, Chief Nursing Officer Jane Cummings, and National Medical Director Prof Sir Bruce Keogh.

You can sign up now for unique, free-of-charge “Pop-up university” events, where you can get involved directly in the conversations about the shared futures of voluntary, public and private sectors as the NHS undergoes radical changes.  More than 100 workshops are planned, and highlights of those announced so far include – in addition to our own one above:

·        Leeds-based Practice Manager John Walsh and University of Sunderland visiting professor Dr Maxine Craig, leading a workshop on From the margins to the mainstream – a model of care for all people”, focussing on developing shared, supportive cultures that help staff, carers and patients through the most difficult times of their lives

·        Alison Austin, Policy Lead for Personal Health Budgets at NHS England, leading discussion n how people can benefit from the personalised approach to care offered through personal health budgets, and how CCGs are expanding their local offer

·        Helen Bevan, Chief Transformation Officer, and Jackie Lynton, Head of Transformation, from NHS Improving Quality, leading a workshop titled “From NHS Change Day to crowd-sourcing, how mass participation can help transform the NHS”, showing how they are harnessing grassroots movements to solve big challenges

Expo 2015 will also give delegates an exclusive in-depth look at the exciting developments in Greater Manchester, as the region embarks on its ambitious “Devo-Manc” project. By September, the region will be almost six months on from the ground-breaking agreement to bring together its £6 billion health and social care budgets to create a new model of integrated care.

Also at Expo you can find out about the Vanguard sites, Integrated Personal Commissioning and Diabetes Prevention Pilots: all key elements of the Five Year Forward View delivered in partnership with the voluntary sector.

Register now free at https://www.england.nhs.uk/expo/register-now/ Just contact Bernd.Sass@disabilityrightsuk.org before so he can validate you and give you the complimentary code. Once you have registered to attend, you will receive regular updates on all the latest confirmed speakers, workshops and exhibitors.  

Once registered you can book your Pop-up university workshops. Places will be allocated on a first come - first served basis when booking opens, so keep an eye on the Health and Care Innovation Expo 2015 website or follow @NHSExpo on Twitter for all the latest announcements!   

NHS is set to treat hundreds of cancer patients with an innovative type of radiotherapy

The first centres to treat patients with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR), as part of NHS England’s latest national evaluation programme, were able to start accepting patients from yesterday – 15 June. NHS England has invested £15m over three years to assess the use of SABR through its Commissioning through Evaluation initiative, which will allow up to 750 new patients a year to access the treatment at 17 centres across the country.

Transforming services for people with learning disability
NHS England has established five fast-track sites that will test new approaches to re-shaping services for people with learning disabilities and/or autism, to ensure more services are provided in the community and closer to home.


The National Information Board – July workshops

The National Information Board (NIB) is a new body that brings together health and care organisations as well as lay representatives. It aims to make data and technology benefit patients, service users, citizens and professionals who serve them, and to help ensure that health and care is sustainable for patients. NIB is investigating how health and care data could be used most effectively for secondary uses in England. As part of this work, two national workshops will be run on 22 July 2015 in Leeds and 30 July 2015 in London. 

We are engaged with several of the NIB’s workstreams through our projects with the Patient Online Stakeholder Forum. Information must also mean equal access to the ‘making of’ information. We seek to lay the foundations for a (national) right to peer support at diagnosis and crisis points and improve care planning and access to care records – real access that is with the opportunity to write into your own care record with clinicians picking up on things like a change in medication. Such two-way communications – in passing on information – are vital to recognise that people and clinicians are experts in their own rights and to reduce misdiagnoses for example (to name just one positive by-product).

Effective primary medical care contracting under co-commissioning
NHS England seeks further applications from CCGs who want to assume more responsibility for primary care under delegated and joint commissioning arrangements for primary care. This leads to significant opportunities for local people to come on ‘board’ and shape the commissioning of primary (including GP) care. Last but not least, primary care boards with local people in the majority are key to address conflicts of interests.

PCC is running an event to explore how primary care commissioning committees work for joint and delegated arrangements.


The Win-Win Alliance is involved with setting up Primary Care Boards in a number of CCGs, and we are also contributing to the planning of simulation event with NHS England. This is intended to play out some threats and opportunities. Our key concern is to ensure that local people (with disabled people taking a lead in passing on insights for managing longterm conditions) are supported to develop the required competence, independence and confidence to speak up for (but also – if necessary – against) clinicians and CCG executives. 

Call to improve young people’s health and wellbeing in the West Midlands

Public Health England in the West Midlands is inviting public health stakeholders to join forces in providing better and more joined up services for young people across the region.

PHE’s Improving Young People’s Health and Wellbeing framework will be the focus of a regional conference on Friday 5 June, held at West Midlands Fire Service headquarters in Birmingham.

The framework, for people aged 10 to 24, provides guidance and practical support on issues such as tackling teenage pregnancy, smoking and drug use, as well as promoting positive mental health.

See more here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/call-to-improve-young-peoples-health-and-wellbeing-in-the-west-midlands 

Mental health crisis review – experiences of black and minority ethnic communities

Together with the Care Quality Commission, the Race Equality Foundation has published reports on mental health crisis care.

The report found that mental health crisis services are 'inadequate.' Just 14 per cent of people said the care they received was right and helped resolve their crisis. Most people had come into contact with at least three difference services, and just over one in ten people with six to ten services.


Black and minority ethnic patients experience discrimination and poor service in crisis care: http://raceequalityfoundation.org.uk/resources/downloads/mental-health-crisis-review-%E2%80%93-experiences-black-and-minority-ethnic-communities 

Engaging people with lived experience of severe and multiple disadvantage

In January 2015 Shaping Our Lives (our Win-Win Alliance partner) and User Voice carried out research into the experience of user led organisations and programmes in securing funding and the challenges they face. They had been commissioned by a funder to support them in their ambition to become more user led in their funding and decision making processes. The report, Engaging people with lived experience of severe and multiple disadvantage, is now available to read. Shaping Our Lives and User Voice are now looking to disseminate the learning as widely as possible. Do read the report and if you would be interested in a workshop or training within your organisation then do get in touch with becki@shapingourlives.org.uk

To read: http://www.shapingourlives.org.uk/ourpubs.html#Engaging

Better Care Exchange

The Better Care Exchange is a collaborative, online space for sharing learning, information and good practice on delivering better, integrated health and social care. It brings together all key documents related to integrated care, and pools knowledge from a range of programmes including the Better Care Fund programme, Integration Pioneers and the Integrated Personal Commissioning programme. The Exchange has been co-designed with practitioners, service users and carers, and provides support for all those involved in shaping, commissioning and providing better, integrated care.

Please click on the link to be taken to the Better Care Exchange: https://bettercare.tibbr.com/tibbr

Survey launched: Is the NHS Standard Contract a barrier to commissioning VCSE organisations?

Action for Strategic Partners

The survey will close at 10am on 27 July.

We have been told that VCSE organisations find the NHS Standard Contract a barrier to having their services commissioned by the NHS. Consequently NHS chief, Simon Stevens, committed to exploring a shorter version of the NHS Standard Contract for low-value contracts, in the NHS Five Year Forward View (http://www.regionalvoices.org/node/265). Regional Voices, working with NHS England, is carrying out this survey to help understand specific issues which organisations have experienced in using the NHS Standard Contract. We expect the survey to take no more than 15 minutes.

Take the survey about the NHS Standard Contract for VCSE organisations: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NHS5YFV-VCSE

More information about VCSE commissioning issues in health and wellbeing and the background to this work on the Standard Contract: http://www.regionalvoices.org/NHSStandardContract

NHS England will undertake its annual, wider, consultation in preparation for the 2016/17 Contract later this year, which VCSE organisations will also be invited to participate in.

If you have any queries about this survey, or would like any support filling it in, contact Emma Baylin or Yoshiko Stokoe on 0113 394 2300 or email emma.baylin@involveyorkshirehumber.org.uk

The social determinants of mental health

Research published by Youth Access and The Association for Young People’s Health for The Young People’s Health Partnership has found strong associations between mental illness in young people, 'everyday' social problems and disadvantage. It contains much sought-after data on the prevalence of mental health problems amongst the young population:

•      12% of 16-19 year olds and 18% of 20-24 year olds met cut-off points for common mental disorders.

•      Young people who were NEET (not in education, employment or training) or socially isolated were found to be twice as likely as other young people to report mental illness.

•      Where young people also experienced 'everyday' social welfare legal problems (e.g. concerning debt, benefits, housing or employment) they were five times more likely to report mental health problems.

•      Social welfare legal problems were a clear predictor of mental health problems

•      Longitudinal data showed that young people's mental health deteriorated as new social welfare legal problems emerged.

The findings have major implications for the way youth mental health services are configured and commissioned. With the annual cost of mental health problems in England estimated at £105 billion and three-quarters of lifetime mental illness having its roots in adolescence or early adulthood, huge savings could potentially be made in the NHS budget by intervening more smartly. The organisations behind the research believe there is a clear case for NHS investment in voluntary sector advice services to address the social determinants of young people's mental health. Indeed, Future in Mind, the recent report of the Children and Young People's Mental Health & Wellbeing Taskforce, identified the importance of increasing investment in community-based drop-in services that can provide advice on social issues alongside therapeutic interventions in accessible young person-friendly settings for the 13-25 age group.

The research has been welcomed by leading experts in the adolescent mental health field as marking a significant step forward in our understanding of the relationship between age, disadvantage and health inequalities.

For further information and to access copies of the following, please contact: James Kenrick, Advice Services Development Manager, Youth Access (020 8772 9900; james@youthaccess.org.uk)

Full research report: 'Health Inequality and Access to Justice: Young People, Mental Health and Legal Issues'  

Accessible research briefing: 'The social determinants of young people's mental health'

Press release: 'Addressing social problems key to effective youth mental health services'