Older peoples social care spending falling


Age UK has published a social care ‘score card’ that shows despite rising demand from growing numbers of people in need of support, the amount spent on social care services for older people has fallen nationally by £1.1 billion (14.4%) since 2010/11

In 2005/6 15.3% of all people aged 65 and over (1,230,625) received social care. By 2010/11 that number had dropped to 12.4% and today just 9.1% of older people (849,280) receive any support. In total this now represents a reduction of over 40% over that period while at the same time the number of people aged 65 and over has increased by 15.6%  or 1,254,879.

Research from Age UK has already shown that there are 900,000 older people between 65 and 89 who have unmet needs for social care but all care services for older people have been hit incredibly hard.

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