Liz Sayce at the Work Foundation
Fluctuating conditions, fluctuating support: Launch of the second Health at Work Policy Unit Paper
The Work Foundation’s Health at Work Policy Unit (HWPU) is launching its second policy paper on fluctuating conditions today.
The paper looks at the role of policy in improving organisational resilience to fluctuating conditions in the workforce.
The paper considers the challenges faced by employers in managing a workforce where the prevalence of chronic and fluctuating conditions is set to rise.
It explores the kinds of support which employers will need from doctors and other healthcare professionals, from the welfare and benefits system and from other agencies such as the Fit for Work Service, Access to Work, Occupational Health services and patient advocacy groups.
It also assesses whether policy-makers have scope to do more to create a system of incentives and support for the many employers who wish to do more but lack access to advice, resources or support.
The event includes a presentation on the findings of the report by Professor Stephen Bevan, followed by keynote speeches, and a roundtable discussion.
- Prof Stephen Bevan, Director of the Centre for Workforce Effectiveness, The Work Foundation
- Prof Alan Silman, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Diseases at Oxford University
- Dr Paul Litchfield, Group Chief Medical Officer and Director Wellbeing, Inclusion, Safety & Health, BT
- Liz Sayce,OBE Chief Executive ,Disability Rights UK
- Jacqueline Winstanley, CEO Universal Inclusion, Chair UK Forum for Hidden & Fluctuating Conditions, International Advisory Board Member C4GEI