Local Welfare Provision funding extended


The Government has reviewed its previous decision to end Local Authority Funding for Local Welfare Assistance Schemes from April 2015

Instead the Government has committed to “providing a further £74 million to upper-tier authorities to recognise that councils have asked for additional support, including to help them respond to local welfare needs and to improve social care provision.” [Hansard 3 February 2015 : Column 5WS).

Local Welfare Assistance Schemes are grants and loans, provided by your Local Authority, to meet a crisis or to help you with independent living. Each local authority runs a different scheme. To check out the help in your area go to http://www.cpag.org.uk/lwas or the Chidren's Society website at http://tinyurl.com/qxekuww.

If you need help and are unsure about what you can get see our what you can claim factsheet.