C4 Dispatches: UC stories wanted


C4 Dispatches is looking at the introduction of Universal Credit and how it is working in practice and the consequences of the new system for claimants

They are looking at four key areas:

  • Rent arrears owing to the change in the system where housing benefits are paid directly to the claimant and they are unable to manage their payments. Perhaps they have not been identified as being vulnerable in this area soon enough, or perhaps the system has not offered the alternative payment arrangement soon enough.
  • Flexible support fund that may not have been given or offered when required.
  • Hardship payments that may have not been offered or paid when required.
  • Complex claims – couples or families whose claims have been affected owing to the computer system being unable to cope with more than simple cases.

If anyone would like to discuss the programme further contact Sarah Hey on 07976 413 823 or 0161 832 2007 or email sarah.hey@ninelivesmedia.co.uk