Prescription charge rise hits patients say PCC


Prescription charge increase will hit patients say charities

The Prescription Charges Coalition (PCC), a group of 40 charities representing millions of people with long-term health conditions, today condemned the latest rise in prescription charges in England from £8.05 to £8.20 from 1st April 2015

Prescription charges have risen for 35 out of the past 36 years.  Research by the PCC consistently shows that 1 in 3 people with long-term conditions such as asthma or Crohn’s and colitis in England do not collect medicine because of cost.  Three quarters of those say their ability to work has been affected as a result.   

Jackie Glatter from the Prescription Charges Coalition said: “This further increase in the prescription charge is likely to worsen the significant impact charges already have on people with long term conditions.

“There is a strong evidence base which demonstrates that prescription charges act as a barrier to people with long term conditions getting the medicines they need.”

Tracy Keown, from Surrey, whose 21 year old son had a stroke due to not being able to afford the warfarin he needed since having an aortic valve replacement, said “No parent should see their child nearly lose their life because a life-saving medication costs money, while nit lotion can be obtained for free.”

Jackie Glatter added: “This is likely to cost the NHS more in the long-run as it leads to poor health, increased admissions to hospital and lower productivity as people have to take time off work.

“People with long-term conditions deserve better. The current system of exemptions for prescription charges has not changed since 1968 and is outdated, arbitrary and unfair.  The Prescription Charges Coalition is calling for everyone with a long-term condition to be exempt from charges so that they can manage their condition effectively and get on with their lives.”

For more information about the Prescription Charges Coalition, visit


Notes to editors

For media enquiries please contact Andie Hill on or call 01727 830038

Case studies available for interview

Prescription Charges Coalition Membership

Anaphylaxis Campaign

Motor Neurone Disease Association

Androgen Insensitivity Support Group

MS Society

Arthritis Care

National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society

Asthma UK

National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society

Behҫets Syndrome Society

PSC Support

British Heart Foundation

Pernicious Anaemia Society

British Liver Trust

Primary Immunodeficiency UK (PID UK)

Chronic Granulomatous Disorder (CGD) Society

Parkinson’s UK

Crohn’s and Colitis UK

Raynaud’s and Scleroderma Association

Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Rethink Mental Illness

Disability Rights UK

Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin

St Thomas’ Lupus Trust


Scleroderma Society

Fibromyalgia Association UK

Stroke Association

Genetic Alliance UK

Sickle Cell Society

Hibbs Lupus Trust

Terrence Higgins Trust

Hughes Syndrome Association

The Migraine Trust

Hypermobility Syndromes Association

Turner Syndrome Support Society

Klinefelter’s Syndrome Association

UK Thalassaemia Society

Lupus UK