03 Strategic partner updates April 2015
Health and Social Care update from our work as Strategic Partner to the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England
Disability Rights UK heads up a user-led consortium as one of 22 strategic partners in the voluntary sector. Our name is ‘Win-Win Alliance – disabled people leading change’. This programme is commissioned by our system partners, the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England. As strategic partner we are well placed to raise particular challenges facing our members of disabled people’s user-led organisations. We also ensure that information and opportunities to engage with system partners reach our members through this and other updates, forums, meetings and discussions, and we regularly inform about funding opportunities (which you may pursue with or without Disability Rights UK). This month we particularly invite our members’ contributions to a new research & development project on ‘user-driven commissioning. For any comments and/or ideas about how to strengthen ‘disabled people leading change’, please get in touch with Bernd.Sass@disabilityrightsuk.org
See new call (ESRC folder)
With some support of the Strategic Partnership Programme and an ESRC grant we want to focus on ‘what makes change happen?’ The special thing about this initiative is that it has both development and research elements – so we can help make things better and then study the impact that this is having. If we co-produce projects, can we disabled people have a positive impact on professionals and on what they are doing? How does this happen?
Maybe your DPULO is already involved with the local Clinical Commissioning Group or Adult Social Care department – say on co-producing experience and outcome measures that would be written into provider contracts to determine (to an extent) the payment of these providers. Or peer support is really about to take off from a well resourced and supported basis in your local area?
If you would like to work with us on any such projects in the future or simply showcase what you have done, please get in touch with Bernd Sass at Disability Rights UK bernd.sass@disabilityrightsuk.org . Or call him directly on 07906 521536.
Further specific news
Clinical Commissioning Groups take on the commissioning of GP services
NHS England has approved the first set of GP-led Clinical Commissioning Groups that will take on responsibility for commissioning the majority of GP services from April this year. 64 Clinical Commissioning Groups across the country have been approved to take on greater ‘delegated’ commissioning responsibility for GP services with the possibility that others may follow. This follows plans set out by NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens, to give patients, communities and clinicians more scope in deciding how local services are developed.
To read more, go to: http://www.england.nhs.uk/2015/02/18/commissioning-of-gp/
The Win-Win Alliance is actively supporting this initiative. We seek to ensure that patients and communities are supported as competent, independent and confident leaders on the new Primary Care Boards to manage the underlying conflicts of interest with GPs commissioning GP services.
New era of patient care – 29 geographies lead NHS Forward View into action
We have previously reported on the new overarching programme leading the NHS over the next five years. The first sites that will lead on transforming care for patients across England as part of the NHS Five Year Forward View have been announced. The 29 sites, known as vanguards, will develop local services from April, to keep people well, and bring home care, mental health and community nursing, GP services and hospitals together for the first time since 1948.
To read more, go to: http://www.england.nhs.uk/2015/03/10/new-era-of-patient-care/
NHS England and Monitor set out new tariff option for providers for 2015/16 – at the price of sacrificing CQUIN for this year
NHS England Chief Executive, Simon Stevens and Chief Executive of Monitor, David Bennett, have written to providers of NHS-funded services setting out a new enhanced tariff option for 2015-16. It is worth up to £500m more to providers than the original package that was consulted on last November, which was prior to extra funding being made available to the NHS in December’s Autumn statement. The downside of this is that providers will not be able to claim any additional Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) payments for this year – CQUIN is often used for involvement and partnership projects with communities, patients and disabled people such as user-driven commissioning.
To read more, go to: http://www.england.nhs.uk/2015/02/19/tariff-2015/
In summary, Monitor’s and NHS E’s work on the new tariff does not provide further incentives for a patient-led NHS but – disappointingly – has rather reduced them. The Win-Win Alliance promotes and develops approaches such as the provision of time-limited Direct Payments at hospital discharge (to put patients in the driving seat of putting their immediate support together themselves, increase service integration and avoid costly re-admissions). However, in practice there is still a strong reluctance by providers to be paid for outcomes (determined by the people served) rather than for activity. (determined by providers and commissioners).
Public to see CQC ratings displayed across care services
People and their families who use care services will soon be able to make more informed choices about their care by seeing first-hand if the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has judged them as Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate. New rules mean health and care providers will have to make arrangements to prominently display their CQC rating from 1 April 2015.
Following a public consultation in February that generated more than 730 responses, CQC’s final guidance for providers on how to display their performance ratings has now been issued. The CQC wishes to thank you for your help in supporting this consultation.
As a result CQC has developed a suite of posters that will be automatically generated through the regulator’s website for all care services that receive a CQC rating to download, print and display. People can expect to start seeing performance ratings on provider websites as well as across premises, public entrances and waiting areas of care services from 1 April. In-line with CQC’s enforcement policy, appropriate action – including imposing a fine (fixed penalty notice) – can be taken should CQC find providers are in breach of the regulation.
The aim of this new requirement is to achieve better awareness and greater transparency for members of the public about which care services are Outstanding, Good, Require Improvement or Inadequate. By making inspection ratings more visible, CQC is helping people make more informed choices about their care, celebrating success and driving up standards.
CQC has been rating services for the NHS since March 2014, for adult social care since October 2014 and for general practices since November 2014.
Update from Care Quality Commission (CQC): NHS 111 consultation
Call for hubs for 2 way communications with learning disabled people - can you contribute?
CQC have set out proposals for how they will inspect and regulate NHS 111 services. The proposals form part of CQC’s new approach to make sure that services are safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led.
NHS 111 is a telephone-based service that aims to make it easier to access local NHS healthcare services in England. It is used when urgent medical help is required, but it’s not a 999 emergency. Trained staff ask questions to assess symptoms, then give healthcare advice or direct callers to the local service that can best help. Inspections of NHS 111 services require a distinct approach because of the nature of the service, which does not include face to face care provision.
Plans include:
- using key lines of enquiry (KLOEs), inspection teams supported by clinical and other experts and the use of information, including people’s experiences of care, to decide when, where and what to inspect.
- rating NHS 111 services using the ratings characteristics which are similar to those for GP practices and GP out-of-hours services.
Please give your feedback. Your contribution will be invaluable. Thank you, in advance. You can take part via the online form or by using #tellcqc To read more, go to: http://www.cqc.org.uk/content/have-your-say-about-proposals-inspection-nhs-111-services
The Win-Win Alliance – together with Mencap – is seeking to build up local and regional hubs to engage and work with (learning) disabled people on a range of topics, rights and skills. This is about two way communications with the CQC on their standards of care but also related positive by-products. For instance, we want to support people to use CQC inspection reports as campaigning tools and to become more involved and determine how services are run and what types of self-directed support should be put in place.
If you are interested in working with us on this in any local or regional area, please get in touch with Bernd Bernd.Sass@disabilityrightsuk.org
Measures to help staff speak out about patient safety - consultation closes on 4th June
This consultation seeks views on measures to carry out recommendations in 'Freedom to Speak Up' to help staff feel safe to speak out on patient safety. It is about your views on measures to carry out the recommendations, principles and actions from the ‘Freedom to Speak Up’ review by Sir Robert Francis QC. Recommendations in the review include:
- every NHS organisation having a “Freedom to Speak Up Guardian” who will report directly to the Chief Executive on their progress on reducing bullying and intimidation
- a new independent National Whistleblowing Guardian who will provide national leadership
- every NHS manager and leader to have training on how to raise concerns and how to treat people who raise concerns
- production of guidance for NHS organisations on how to handle whistleblowing cases
- devising and establishing a support scheme for staff who have blown the whistle
- considering evidence around whistleblowing and bullying as part of the ‘Fit and Proper Persons Test’ when appointing directors, senior managers or leadership
To read more and respond, go to: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/measures-to-help-staff-speak-out-about-patient-safety
NHS England takes action to improve race equality across the NHS workforce
NHS England has announced action to improve race equality across the NHS workforce. The move follows recent reports that have highlighted disparities in the number of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) people in senior leadership positions across the NHS, as well as lower levels of wellbeing amongst the BME population. To read more, go to: http://www.england.nhs.uk/2015/03/12/improve-race-equality/
The Win Win Alliance has a seat on the Equality and Diversity Council’s subgroup on leadership and workforce which oversees the delivery of the workforce race equality standard and associated actions. We are particularly keen to do more research on supporting disabled people to get into the NHS, stay in and get on. We also want to learn from the implementation of that race equality standard what can be transferred to support people with disabilities and other protected characteristics.
Be clear on cancer: campaign continues
Public Health England (PHE), in partnership with the Department of Health and NHS England, has announced the next national ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ symptom awareness campaign will focus on breast cancer in women over 70.
The campaign, which first ran nationally in February and March 2014, is likely to include TV, press, digital, out of home advertising and road show events to reinforce the message, “One in three women who get breast cancer are over 70, so don’t assume you’re past it.” It will also aim to highlight how early diagnosis can improve cancer survival rates and make the disease more treatable. See the full story here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/be-clear-on-cancer-campaign-continues
As part of our new workplan, the Win Win Alliance focuses in a small project on how (learning) disabled people and deprived communities can be supported in having greater experiences and uptake rates of cancer screening, Annual Health Checks and behaviour change programmes. This project places particular emphasis on getting it rights under the terms of people and by using peer support. If any of our members and networks would like to contribute, please get in touch with bernd.sass@disabilityrightsuk.org
Support for CCGs to use grants launched
Grants are a fundamentally important part of the funding mix for voluntary sector organisations. However, in the post-Health and Social Care Act commissioning landscape there has been some confusion about the roles of grants and mechanisms for grant funding (see research from Regional Voices' partner RAISE: Exploring the Potential of the CVS-CCG Partnership http://www.raise-networks.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Interim-findings.pdf).
This week NHS England has launched the Bite-size Guide to Grants (http://www.england.nhs.uk/nhs-standard-contract/15-16/), aiming to support clinical commissioners better understand this vital funding mechanism. We hope that you will find it useful in your work with CCGs. This outlines the benefits and principles of providing grant funding for the voluntary and community (VCS) sector and suggests practical steps for commissioners about using grants to support priorities. NHS England have worked with some of the strategic partners to produce the guide. It has been published alongside a non-mandatory grant agreement which CCGs are able to use and adapt. NHS England are committed to working with voluntary sector partners to develop this agreement over the coming year and to publish other resources to support commissioners to work with the sector.
This is part of wider work to support the voluntary sector with health commissioning:
- supporting NHS England to pilot a model grant agreement (in 15/16)- also launched this week http://www.regionalvoices.org/grants
- working with NHS England and other Health and Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partners to develop a lighter touch NHS Standard Contract for use with the voluntary sector http://www.regionalvoices.org/NHSStandardContract
- taking part in the department of health/NHS England/Public Health England VCSE funding review- and encouraging you to do the same http://www.voluntarysectorhealthcare.org.uk/vcse-review/
- helping to develop a more VCSE friendly funding environment. http://www.regionalvoices.org/VCSE-funding
Public Health England (PHE) publishes new report “Local Leadership New Approaches: improving the health of local communities”
The report contributes some new insights into improving the health of local communities. It broadens out the idea of integration - health and social care working together can make a significant difference to people’s wellbeing, but there are other services and other stakeholders that also have a powerful contribution to make. It also focuses on implementation and describes the experiences of people who deliver such services, and of people who use them.
The report features seven case studies. Each one describes a particular programme or close partnership between a local authority and local public health or health care teams, often with the additional support of the voluntary sector. To view the report please go to: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-leadership-new-approaches-improving-the-health-of-local-communities
Public Health England invests £10m in drug and alcohol recovery services
Public Health England has announced the successful applicants for £10 million of capital funding for services that are helping people in England with drug or alcohol problems to recover from their addiction. Over 50 projects across England, in partnership with local authorities, will receive grants from PHE.
See the full press release here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/public-health-england-invests-10m-in-drug-and-alcohol-recovery-services
Health and wellbeing website for young people launched
Created by young people for young people, the ‘Rise Above’ website aims to build emotional resilience in individuals aged 11 to 16 by equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to make informed decisions, and help deal with the pressures of growing up. It also encourages conversations about the key health and wellbeing issues that affect teens and young people.
‘Rise Above’ tackles topics that young people are most concerned about, such as puberty, relationships, alcohol, self-harm, smoking, contraceptive choices, drugs, body confidence, peer pressure and mental health.
To read more, go to: http://riseabove.org.uk/
Call for action on hearing loss
A new ‘Action Plan on Hearing Loss’ to support services for deaf people and those with diminishing hearing has been published. The report identifies multiple health and social issues associated with hearing loss and recommends ways that services for children, young people, working age and older adults living with hearing loss can be improved.
To read more, go to: http://www.england.nhs.uk/2015/03/23/hearing-loss/
New evidence addresses the health inequalities of LGB&T people
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGB&T) Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework Companion Document was launched on the 12th March. It highlights the significant impact of discrimination on LGB&T people’s experiences of care and support and outcomes for their wellbeing.
The LGB&T ASCOF Companion Document has been developed by the National LGB&T Partnership working with the Department of Health, with thanks to experts from across the LGB&T community.
To download the document, go to: www.lgf.org.uk/ascof
Health and care services for women offenders
Clinks have published the results of their recent survey of voluntary sector health and social care services for women in contact with the Criminal Justice System. They found many examples of organisations working together to meet the health needs of these women, both directly and through proactively supporting them to engage with other health services. Despite this, the responses highlighted a number of areas where more support is needed, including mental health, trauma-informed services, support for those with complex but low-level needs and/or dual diagnosis, and addressing challenges in sharing information and making referrals between services.
To read the report, go to: http://www.clinks.org/resources-reports-mapping/health-and-care-services-women-offenders?utm_source=Health%20Briefing&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Health%20Briefing%20March%202015
How to Engage Men in Self-Management Support
The second in the Men's Health Forum's series of 'How To…' guides, 'How to engage men in self-management support' pulls together in a single user-friendly booklet the findings of the York review, the first ever analysis all the available evidence on men’s experiences and perceptions of various self-management support interventions and activities.
To read more, go to: https://www.menshealthforum.org.uk/best-practice-self-management-support
Launch of the 2015/16 Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund
The Department of Health’s Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund for financial year 2015-16 has launched with the on line application system (AIMS) being open from 30th March.
You will need to ensure your Registration and Eligibility form is completed on AIMS by Noon 8th May 2015. The deadline for applications is Noon 22nd May 2015. An e-learning module guiding you through the process can be accessed through the AIMS log-in page (in the top right hand corner of the page). All applicants should read the e-learning guide, even if you have applied before.
The Information Pack for applicants and other supporting documents can be found on the DH website: