New Kings Fund report on health and social care
A new settlement for health and social care
This is the final report from the independent Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England. In it, the commission discusses the need for a new settlement for health and social care to provide a simpler pathway through the current maze of entitlements.
The commission proposes a new approach that redesigns care around individual needs regardless of diagnosis, with a graduated increase in support as needs rise, particularly towards the end of life.
The commission has concluded that this vision for a health and care system fit for the 21st century is affordable and sustainable if a phased approach is taken and hard choices are taken about taxation.
Key findings and recommendations include:
- Having a single ring-fenced budget for the NHS and social care, with a single commissioner for local services.
- Bringing Attendance Allowance within the health and social care system, and renaming it care and support allowance.
- A focus on more equal support for equal need, which in the long term means making much more social care free at the point of use.
- The commission largely rejects new NHS charges and private insurance options in favour of public funding.
- Getting rid of most prescription charge exemptions and reducing the cost of prescription charges to £2.50. The total payment anyone would face in a year would be capped.
You can view and download the report at