Our Reframing disability rights event


Disability Rights UK would like to thank all those who attended yesterday’s event on Reframing disability rights – communicating our values and winning the argument.

The event discussed, with practical guidance, how organisations and campaigners can better communicate messages on disability issues by reframing them to appeal to particular values.


In particular we were seeking to promote a human rights agenda which emphasises the rights of disabled people in a user friendly way.

“Thank you for organising/ delivering yesterday’s workshop. It was extremely useful and I will definitely share the information gained with the relevant colleagues.”

The event was held at Tavis House (Age UK Offices), 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA as part of the Equally Ours Project.

Equally Ours is a partnership between the Equality and Diversity Forum, Age UK, the British Institute of Human Rights, the Children’s Rights Alliance for England, Disability Rights UK, Mind, René Cassin and Runnymede Trust.

Equally Ours aims to help everyone to understand how human rights benefit all of us here in the UK, every day, in very practical ways; that they are an important part of our shared heritage, helping to make equality, inclusion and social justice real for everyone.

For more information about the project go to http://disabilityrightsuk.org/policy-campaigns/campaigns/equally-ours-campaign and http://www.equally-ours.org.uk/

Disability Rights UK would also like to thank the Equally Ours Team for their key support in making the day such a success.