New project for human right to live independently

Thu,6 March 2014

Disability Rights UK is a partner organisation in the Proud, Strong and Visible – Promoting Choice, Control and Participation of Disabled people in Europe project.

This project addresses current threats to the implementation of Article 19 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – including the impact of the cuts in public spending on the support services for disabled people, and disability hate crime, which has been on the increase in countries.

There are a number of key issues affecting disabled people in Europe today, including the slow transition from institutional care to community-based services and the failure to develop alternative solutions to institutional care which facilitate the choice and control of disabled people.

This project will be implemented throughout 2014 and is led by European Network on Independent Living (ENIL). Disability Rights UK is one of the project partners.

For more on the project go to