ESA: sensory impairment activities guidance


The DWP has issued new guidance, DMG Memo 7/14, on sensory impairment activities.

The Guidance reminds decision makers:

  • which activities should be considered and
  • how the activities apply

to claimants with visual and/or hearing sensory impairment, for the purpose of determining whether or not they have a limited capability for work (LCW).

DMG Memo 7/14 advises that where an ESA claimant has impaired vision and/or hearing, the DM should consider

if any of the LCW descriptors in:

  • Activity 7 (Understanding communication by verbal or non–verbal means) and
  • Activity 8 (Navigation and maintaining safety)

apply as both these activities are designed to assess the functional ability of people who have difficulties with sight and/or hearing due to sensory impairment.

In particular, the new guidance highlights that Activity 7 may apply where someone has difficulties understanding communication by

  • verbal means alone or
  • non–verbal means alone or
  • a combination of verbal and non–verbal means.

In addtion, the DWP says that those who are deaf from birth, or lose their hearing before learning to speak, such that their speech is affected, and who have difficulties with writing, may also satisfy any of the Activity 6 descriptors (Making self understood).

DMG Memo 7/14 is available at