MPs hold WCA evidence session

Tue,10 June 2014

The Work and Pensions Committee is holding a final oral evidence session for its inquiry into Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and Work Capability Assessments (WCA).

    Rt Hon Mike Penning MP, Minister of State for Disabled People     Jason Feeney CBE, Benefits Director     James Bolton, Deputy Director, Health and Wellbeing Directorate     Iain Walsh, Deputy Director, Working Age Benefits Division

Present for the Department for Work and Pensions are:

  • Rt Hon Mike Penning MP, Minister of State for Disabled People
  • Jason Feeney CBE, Benefits Director
  • James Bolton, Deputy Director, Health and Wellbeing Directorate
  • Iain Walsh, Deputy Director, Working Age Benefits Division

The session is considering:

  • The effectiveness of the WCA, including the findings of the Evidence Based Review
  • Key concerns about the delivery of the WCA by Atos, and how these issues may be resolved with the new provider
  • The ESA decision-making process
  • ESA outcomes and reassessments
  • Mandatory reconsideration and appeals
  • The interaction between ESA and Universal Credit

You can view this session as it happens or from the start at

Note: The Work and Pensions Committee also held an ESA/WCA evidence on Monday 9 June.

The witnesses were:

  • Lisa Coleman, Senior Vice President, Health Market, Atos
  • Dr Angela Graham, Clinical Director, Atos Healthcare
  • Helen Hall, Head of Communications and Customer Relations, Atos Healthcare

The session considered:

  • Atos’s role in the process before the face to face assessment and claimants’ experience of the process
  • The design and delivery of the WCA
  • The contract for delivering the WCA, including the relationship between quality and productivity, and Atos’s early exit from the contract
  • The ESA decision-making process, including outcomes and appeals
  • Future delivery of the WCA

You can view this session at