We condemn taxi firm disability policy


Boro Taxis, the largest firm in the north east of England, has said it would be uneconomic to send large vehicles for disabled people but only charge the same price as a smaller vehicle.

Speaking to the Voice of Russia Sue Bott, Director of Policy and Development at Disability Rights UK, said:

"Disabled people shouldn't be discriminated against. Yes, in some circumstances you might need to send a bigger vehicle, but for goodness' sake, it all works out in the end, doesn't it?

I really can't understand why they see a problem here. I would have thought they'd be only too delighted as a taxi firm to assist disabled people.

It's not a disabled person's fault that they use a wheelchair that doesn't fit into a 'normal' taxi. Why should they have to pay extra for being disabled? You have to wonder where this is going. Are taxi firms going introduce a scale of charges depending on the look of a person and their physical condition?

It's ridiculous, and they're breaking the law."

The local council has warned taxi operators they could lose their licences if they charge disabled passengers extra.

To find out more go to: http://voiceofrussia.com/uk/news/2014_01_14/Charging-the-disabled-extra-for-taxis-Ridiculous-and-breaking-the-law-0005/