Review of housing standards conclusion 2014

Wed,9 April 2014

As champions of the Lifetime Homes standard and Wheelchair Housing Design Guide, Habinteg was closely involved in the government’s review of Housing Standards and made efforts to ensure wide engagement with the consultation.

The outcome of the consultation was announced on 13 March with the government proposing inclusion of new but optional access standards in Part M of building regulations. Councils could opt to adopt these standards subject to viability testing. The DCLG also provided a summary of consultation responses.

Habinteg’s analysis of these shows that there was very strong support for Habinteg’s objectives, including its suggestion that a Lifetime Homes-type standard should be the regulatory baseline in Building Regulations. Habinteg will be continuing to argue for the implementation of regulations the meet the content of the consultation and encouraging local authorities to ensure their housing investment meets needs long into the future.

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