ILF to support transition to SILF


The Independent Living Fund (ILF) will continue to support Scottish ILF users up until they transfer to the Scottish Independent Living Fund (SILF).

The UK government announced on 6 March that the Independent Living Fund (ILF) will close on 30 June 2015, with the funding and responsibility for ILF recipients being transferred to local authorities in England and the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

The Scottish government has announced that, from 1 July 2015, it will establish a Scottish Independent Living Fund (SILF) to protect the funding of existing users in Scotland.

Visits from the ILF to users in Scotland will continue as normal. The visit programme has been designed to collect information which will help with the transition of support and is also important in developing an outcome-focussed support plan for each user.

For more information see