20 metre PIP case allowed to go to court


Court grants permission for full hearing of legal challenge to Government’s new disability benefit   

PRESS RELEASE  03/05/2013

The High Court has today granted permission for a full hearing of the judicial review challenge to the government’s introduction of more stringent qualifying criteria for mobility benefit.

Steven Sumpter can only walk a few metres with a stick and is otherwise dependent on a wheelchair. He was assessed as eligible for the high rate of the mobility component of Disability Living  Allowance(DLA) last year  and he has used this to lease a Motability car. Along with thousands of others, he fears that he may lose this benefit under the new Regulations [1]. Under the DLA scheme, a person is entitled to the higher rate if they are ‘unable or virtually unable to walk’. Usually claimants are considered to be virtually unable to walk if they cannot walk more than 50m. Under the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP) scheme, the relevant distance is reduced to 20m.

Karen Ashton from Public Law Solicitors who represents Mr Sumpter said:

“I am very pleased that the court has found that this case deserves a full hearing.  The higher rate of mobility benefit can make an extraordinary difference to a disabled person’s life.  But the  Government failed to mention the reduction to 20m in their consultations and so those who might be affected did not have the chance to put their case and explain how devastating the consequences will be.”

Jane Young, an independent consultant currently working with the We are Spartacus campaigning network, said:

“Whilst it is true that under the PIP regulations and guidance, in order to be considered able to walk not more than 20 metres a claimant should be able to do so “safely, to an acceptable standard, repeatedly and within a reasonable time period”, the fact remains that 20 metres is an extremely short distance. Our concern is that by denying people with significant mobility impairments support for independent mobility, the regulations will compromise their well-being.  Disabled people who can only walk short distances face being stuck in their homes, isolated and unable to travel independently to health appointments, to work, to the shops or to social activities. This is especially the case in rural areas, where public transport is infrequent, inadequate and inaccessible and long travel distances are the norm.”

For Media Enquiries:  Public Law Solicitors: Anne McMurdie Tel.  0121 256 0326 amcmurdie@publiclawsolicitors.co.uk

[1] The Social Security (Personal Independence payments) Regulations 2013)