We host Disability Hate Crime event in Birmingham
Today Disability Rights UK is hosting a Disability Hate Crime event in Birmingham bringing disabled people’s organisations (DPOS) the police, the Crown Prosecution Service and others from around the country to share good practice and a practical toolkit for third party reporting centres in DPOS.
Our toolkit makes it much easier and safer for disabled people to report hate crimes. With third party reporting centres, which disabled people trust, more crimes get reported.
The event coincides with a new report which considers how the police, Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and probation trusts deal with disability hate crime.
Disability Rights UK is very concerned about disability hate crime. Disability hate crime has a profound effect on disabled people’s lives. To truly tackle it there needs to be an increase in the number of crimes, and incidents, that are reported. Until, the majority of these crimes are reported there will never be a true picture of the prevalence of disability hate crime in this country and nothing will change. You can find out more on our Disability Hate Crime Page.