MPs debate working age care reform

Thu,11 July 2013

MPs debate social care reform for working age disabled people

This debate, held in Parliament yesterday raised a number of issues.

Liberal Democrat Care Services Minister Norman Lamb argued:

  • Caring for disabled people should not just be about statutory service provision but also about collaboration within the community.
  • In favour of the case for preventing ill health and the deterioration of health but subject to cost considerations.
  • The Care Bill was “crucial step” in delivering a “modern system that promotes people’s well-being.

The £3.8bn pooled sum would apply to working-age disabled people.

The Government was committed to the UN Convention of the Rights of Disabled People. It is working on the cross-Government disability strategy, “Fulfilling Potential”, to make the convention a “living reality for disabled people in Britain”.

Speaking on behalf of the Opposition, Shadow Care and Older People Minister Liz Kendall argued:

  • “The Other Care Crisis” report, compiled by Scope, Mencap, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Sense and the National Autistic Society, shows that local authority budgets for adult care had now reached breaking point.
  • For the full integration of the NHS and social care in order to tackle the problem.
  • The definition of wellbeing within the Care Bill could be strengthened to promote independence.
  • Setting lower criteria for access to care services within the Care Bill would save money further down the line by managing conditions so they did not deteriorate.
  • The joint report produced by the All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) for Local Government and on Disability, warns that the majority of working-age people with disabilities would not benefit from the capped social care costs model, as they would not have had the chance to acquire assets.

Shadow Disabilities Minister Anne McGuire also emphasised the importance of portability of care.

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