Latest Access to Work statistics


More people getting Access to Work thanks to disabled people’s campaigns

The latest Access to Work statistics show that, between April 2012 and March 2013, 31,400 people were helped under the scheme

Of these 20,650 were existing customers and 10,750 were new customers.

Liz Sayce says:

‘Disabled people have campaigned vigorously for improvements to Access to Work and at last we are seeing some progress: the latest figures show more disabled people used Access to Work in the year ending March 2013 than the year before. Government has finally agreed to a lot of our demands: making Access to Work available for disabled people doing work experience or traineeships, getting rid of the ‘standard list’ of things that it won’t fund, stopping any requirement on small businesses to share the cost and actually marketing the programme – so more disabled people and employers know about it. We must keep up the pressure so more and more disabled people know about and use Access to Work. Campaigning together we can get change’

For a full breakdown go to

Find out how you can apply for access to work.