EHRC publishes equality guidance for schools
The Equality and Human Rights Commission has today published guidance to help schools protect their pupils from discrimination and promote equality
Schools Technical Guidance outlines the requirements under the Equality Act 2010 and explains clearly how those working in schools can create an environment where pupils of all backgrounds and abilities are able to learn and progress. It sets out how all aspects of school life can be administered fairly, including: admissions, education provision, extracurricular activities, afterschool and homework clubs, sports activities and school trips, as well as access to school facilities such as libraries and IT facilities.
This guidance is aimed at those working in schools, at lawyers, courts and tribunals, and at everyone who needs to understand equality law in depth, or apply it in practice. It has gone through a consultation process across the education sector, including school leaders, teachers, stakeholders, government departments and trade unions. These contributions have made sure that the guidance is relevant, practical, and collaborative.
To download the guidance go to