Cornwall to end its maximum weekly care charge?


Cornwall Council has recently published a consultation on charging for adult social care and also a separate consultation on introducing an eligibility criteria for transport.

The proposed changes to its domiciliary charging policy include removing the maximum weekly charge so individuals have to pay the full price of care, and including disability related benefits when assessing how much individuals can afford to pay.

The proposed disability related benefits include:

• Disability Living Allowance (excluding the mobility component);

• Pension Credit Guarantee (disability premiums only);

• Income Support (disability premiums only); and

• Attendance Allowance

If you are concerned that you might be affected by these proposals then it is important that you respond to the consultation setting out your views.

If you would like legal advice in relation to responding to the proposal then please contact Polly Sweeney from our legal partners Irwin Mitchell Solicitors on or 0117 926 1535.

Polly would be more than happy to speak to local groups

Cornwall Council's Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing consultation document is available to download now.

The consultation runs until 10 November 2013.