Programme year 2
The second year of The Leadership Academy Programme (LAP) took place from November 2015 May 2016.
Link to video explaining more about the programme
This year we changed our delivery partners and work now with Keystone with are lead trainer being Nik-Rabbani-Barker. This year she delivered the programme with Terry Robins who himself brought a wealth of expertise alongside Nik’s and he also had his own personal lived experience of disability.
The Programme content is very uniquely designed and what sets it apart from other internally delivered training programmes is the additional element of being able to share experiences and skills with likeminded delegates from a whole peripheral of companies.
The programme is specifically intended for employees with leadership aspirations wanting to develop their leadership skills and competencies. Each delegate had their own lived experience of disability and/or a long term health condition.
It was another successful programme year, delegates clearly reported feeling that they had increased in confidence and felt ready to approach their professional future with increased contributions to their place of work.
One of our delegates quoted;
“I found the whole LAP process to be very refreshing. Prior to the course commencing, we all received clear instructions and information about what was expected and what we were expected to commit to. The staff were very friendly and responded readily to any queries or issues. The actual course and contents were carefully thought out, and again, given to us by email prior to attendance. Very useful indeed, as we then knew what to expect on the day. One of the key learning elements was to learn from the other candidate’s experiences. For my part, it has made me a more rounded individual and better adapted to the challenges of leading a diverse workforce in the future”.
Mark Korad - Iran Department, Bilateral Team | Middle East and North Africa Directorate | Foreign and Commonwealth Office
One of the most significant elements of the programme is the additional support provided through our mentors. We are very fortunate to have very dedicated and highly professional mentors on our programme many of whom have mentored from the commencement of the programme. Thus increasing the consistency of our delivery and acting as peer support to new mentors coming onto the programme.
One of our mentors quoted;
“I joined the LAP as a mentor in 2015 and was assigned my mentee in early 2016, I have found it to be incredibly rewarding, professionally and personally as the relationship with my mentee has grown and I have seen them blossom. I believe mentoring is a two way street; that as a mentor, you learn as much as that of the mentee, you see different perspectives and it enables you to reflect personally as much as it does them. What DRUK have created with the LAP is an incredible platform which allows people with disabilities to develop new skills, to grow personally and professionally to equip them further within their careers, enabling them to continue their upward progression or to break through the barrier(s) they had in front of them”.
Andy Horne
Supplier Management CoE Lead-KPMG LLP - Procurement
There is much to be gained from taking part in LAP, both as a delegate and as a mentor. All participants have found the experience to be very rewarding and it has provided growth both personally and professionally.