Challenging PIP decisions with Disability Rights UK and CPAG

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15 November 2023 - 16 November 2023 10:00 am (Europe/London)
Benefits training


Through our partnership with Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), we're delighted to be offering this course on Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for professionals working in advice or advocacy.

PIP was introduced on the same day as universal credit back in 2013 and PIP is now the main disability benefit for working age claimants. The DWP’s record of PIP decision-making accuracy is possibly the worst of all social security benefits, with nearly 70% of appealed decisions reversed by tribunal judges in favour of claimants. On the downside, many claimants elect not to appeal poor refusal decisions. This training course looks at how to ensure that a PIP revision or appeal should work to the best advantage of claimants.

  • Summary: How the PIP rules operate, assessment criteria, finding the law
  • The primacy of regulations 7 and 4(2A) in relation to PIP
  • Where things go wrong in relation to PIP decision making
  • The failure of PIP2 and poor Health Professional assessments
  • How to ensure good medical evidence to support challenges
  • Legal mechanisms to challenge PIP decisions
  • How to draft an effective PIP challenge – naming the errors and making the case

The course includes a free Disability Rights publication - chooese from the Disability Rights Handbook (print or online), or our Universal Credit or PIP guide

The course will be run on Zoom in two parts on consecutive mornings, 10.00 am - 1.00 pm. It is a practical course delivered using a combination of trainer presentation, exercises, case studies and group discussion.

How to join after booking  

You will receive a Zoom link by email and be provided with supporting material via the CPAG eLearning site.

Disability Rights Handbook edition 48

Disability Rights Handbook 48

The perfect accompanyment to our training, an essential for all advisors!