Benefit Essentials with Disability Rights UK and CPAG - October 2024
Through our partnership with Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), we're delighted to be offering a new introductory level course for professionals working in advice or advocacy, who need to know more about the benefits system.
This course is ideal for advice workers, support workers, advocates, volunteer advisers and anyone else supporting clients with welfare benefits issues.
Participants will gain an understanding of the social security system, learn how to help disabled people maximise their income, and get access to a host of other fantastic benefits, including:
A free 1-month trial of AskCPAG with regularly updated online books, time-saving tools and templates, and the latest articles to keep your advice current and accurate
10% discount on the Disability Rights Handbook (print and online)
Access to a range of advice services, such as CPAG’s advice line, Upper Tribunal assistance project, Judicial Review project and CPAG’s unique service for advisers supporting people on Universal Credit in Greater London.
DR UK organisational members can get 10% off the course price, as well as continuing telephone and email support through our own expert level welfare benefits advice line - a vital point of reference to help you to deal with complex cases and stay on top of the nuances of any new legislation as it is introduced.
The course covers:
The structure of the benefits system and the difference between contributory, non-contributory and means-tested benefits
Who is eligible to claim each of the benefits
Disability benefits for disabled people and those with health conditions that affect their everyday lives
Getting work-related benefits for people who are unable to work due to a health condition or disability
The impact of claiming or being migrated onto Universal Credit for people already in receipt of certain benefits
The best way to ensure people are claiming everything they're entitled to.
The course will be run on Zoom in two parts on consecutive mornings, 10.00 am - 1.00 pm. It is a practical course delivered using a combination of trainer presentation, exercises, case studies and group discussion.
How to join after booking
You will receive a Zoom link by email and be provided with supporting material via the CPAG eLearning site.

Disability Rights Handbook 49
The perfect accompanyment to our training, an essential for all advisors!
Pre-order the new edition now for delivery in May 2024.