Department of Health [24 October 2012] No decision about us without us – patients and the public as partners in health improvement. Guidance on collective involvement duty for clinical commissioning groups. Our response.
Response to guidance on collective involvement duty for Clinical Commissioning Groups
24 October 2012
We welcome the guidance on collective involvement for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), including a brief outline of CCGs’ equality duties under the Equality Act 2010. We also find the case examples of involvement and of the benefits gained helpful to make a start. However, we think these case examples are not comprehensive enough for CCGs to be convinced of engaging in genuine co-production. The guidance does refer to ‘why’ involvement is necessary but it lacks a clearly illustrated business case and some kind of manual on how to go about embedding involvement throughout the commissioning cycle. This would help both commissioners and user-led projects to approach involvement hands-on.
For illustration of a more comprehensive example of an empowerment approach to involvement we will circulate as soon as possible our report on ‘user-driven commissioning’. For the time being we enclose at the end of this document a range of case studies illustrating the benefits of user-led organisations in support of commissioning.....
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