Applying for Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)
Which courses are designated for DSA?
Nursing, midwifery and other professions allied to medicine
Open or distance learning courses
What support should my college or university provide?
What if my needs change during my study?
What if I already have some of what I need?
Will DSA affect my welfare benefits?
What if I am repeating periods of study?
What happens if I transfer to another course?
What happens if I leave my course early?
If you have a disability or specific learning difficulty and are studying in higher education, you may be eligible for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA). This allowance covers the extra disability-related costs or expenses you have while studying which are over and above those provided as reasonable adjustments by the college or university.
DSA support is split into 4 different areas of need.
- Specialist equipment
- Non-medical
- General
- Travel
In England a maximum allowance of up to £27,783 (excluding travel) is available to full-time and part-time undergraduate and postgraduate students. The arrangements in each part of the UK differ. See section 5.
DSA is not intended to pay for disability-related costs that you would have whether you were a student or not, such as personal care support or study costs that every student might have.
Awarding authorities
Depending on where you currently live, you should apply to one of the following agencies for your DSA:
- In England apply to Student Finance England. You can apply at the same time as making your online UCAS application. For NHS-funded courses, you need to apply to NHS Student Bursaries for your DSA.
- In Wales apply to Student Finance Wales. For NHS funded courses you will need to contact the Disability Service at your university directly to make an application. The university will liaise directly with NHS Wales.
- In Scotland apply to the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) for any course.
- In Northern Ireland apply to Student Finance NI, including for healthcare courses.
Who can get DSA?
DSA is available to students on designated higher education courses who are ordinarily resident in the UK.
Is DSA means tested?
No. Eligibility for DSA does not depend on your income or the income of your family.
What if I have studied before?
You can qualify for DSA even if you have already taken a course of higher education. There are no ‘previous study’ restrictions. However, the amount you get may depend on what you received before. For example, you may already have equipment from a previous allowance.
I am being seconded (my employer is sending me on the course instead of my usual job). Am I eligible for DSA? If you have been seconded by your employer for your study, you can apply for DSA from your awarding authority.
Is DSA available to international students?
DSA is only available to students who are ordinarily resident in the UK. If you’re ordinarily resident in another country then you will not qualify for DSA.
Which courses are designated for DSA?
Undergraduate courses
You can apply for DSA if you attend a publicly-funded full-time or part-time higher education course in the UK. This includes:
- a first or Bachelor’s degree
- an undergraduate Master’s degree
- a Higher National Diploma (HND) or Higher National Certificate (HNC)
- a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ 4 or 5) linked with a degree
- a Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE)
- most foundation degrees
DSA is also available for sandwich courses, but you will not be eligible if you’re on a full-year paid placement.
Nursing, midwifery and other professions allied to medicine
In England, from August 2017 new Nursing, midwifery and health students have access to the same student loans system like other students instead of an NHS bursary. You will have to apply for DSA from Student Finance England.
If you are already on a study programme funded by the National Health Service (NHS) DSA is available as part of your bursary. To apply for DSA, you must send in evidence of your impairment. The NHS advises students to let the university know about their disability as soon as possible so that they can make sure appropriate support is in place.
Part-time courses
In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, part-time students are eligible for DSA as long as it is a designated course and they are studying at least 25% of the full-time equivalent. In Scotland the workload must be 50% of the full-time equivalent.
Postgraduate courses
If you’re from Northern Ireland and get a studentship or bursary from the Department for the Economy, you may be eligible for DSA from the department.
If you get a research council award, such as a studentship, you’re eligible for the DSA administered by your research council.
For postgraduate social work courses, if you get a bursary from the NHS Business Services Authority, Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) or the Social Care Wales (SCW), you can apply for DSA connected to that bursary.
If you’re doing a Legal Practice Course (LPC) you qualify for DSA support. If you’re studying either of these at a private institution, you may still be able to apply for DSA. Student Finance England or Student Finance Wales can tell you if the university you’re attending is designated for DSA support.
Open or distance learning courses
DSA is available to part-time students doing open or distance learning. In England you will be eligible for DSA as long as it is a designated course and you’re studying at least 25% of the full-time equivalent. In Scotland you must studying at least 50% of the full-time equivalent.
What can DSA pay for?
Specialist equipment support
DSA helps to pay for items of specialist equipment you need to take part in your study programme and benefit fully from it. You may need:
- a computer
- specialist software, such as voice recognition, mind mapping or screen reading software
- audio capturing equipment, such as microphones
- specialist furniture, such as a chair, table or back support
- multifunction printers and scanners
- radio aid for deaf students
- insurance or extended warranty for the equipment
- training in the use of specialist equipment
- other equipment where the item is required soltely due to disability, such as screens/monitors, keyboards, mice, magnifying equipment or scanning pens.
In England you have to pay £200 towards the cost of a new computer if you need one to run any recommended assistive software. DSA will not cover the cost of standard computer peripherals (e.g. speakers, headphones, USB drives or cables, keyboards, standard size monitors or mice) unless they’re part of a recommendation for a desktop computer. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Any equipment bought with the allowance belongs to you. You don’t have to return it when you finish your course. Normally the awarding authority orders and pays for the equipment on your behalf and delivers it to you. If you want a higher specification computer than the one recommended by your assessor, you may be allowed to pay the additional cost yourself, as long as it is compatible with any specialist software you need. DSA payments to equipment suppliers can be made before the term starts to give you time to get used to using new equipment.
If your equipment needs change during your course, you can make additional claims, as long as you stay within the maximum amount. Towards the end of your studies, your awarding authority is likely to be cautious about buying big items of equipment. They may ask you to consider alternative arrangements, such as leasing equipment or using human support instead.
Non-medical helper’s support
DSA helps to pay for support workers and other non-medical assistance you need to benefit fully from your course. As payments are usually for helpers’ costs, they’re generally made in regular instalments, such as once a semester directly to the service provider.
Study support includes:
- sighted guides
- specialist notetakers for deaf and visually impaired students
- specialist mentors
- specialist one to one study skill support
- mobility trainers
- british sign language interpreters
Care and daily living needs
DSA doesn’t pay for the costs of help that you would need whether you’re a student or not. If you need personal assistance on a daily basis, for example, getting dressed, you should be able to get help through your local social services.
If you already have a care package, your support needs can be reassessed when there is a change in your personal circumstances, such as leaving home to go away to university outside of your local area.
General support
You can get help with the day-to-day costs of studying that are related to your disability, for example, essential non-core books, paper and ink supplies where there is a need for hard copy materials that is additional to that of non-disabled students, or small fridges for students needing to store medication.
If you need specialist accommodation for example, with en-suite facilities because of your disability, DSA may be able to cover the extra costs. However, if the accommodation is managed by your college or university or one of its agents, it will be their responsibility to fund this.
Travel costs
You can get help to cover extra disability-related travel costs that you incur when travelling to and from your university. It is calculated as the difference between public transport costs and the type of transport you need because of your disability. For example, you may be able to claim the difference between bus or train fares compared to using a taxi or private car to travel to and from university. The cost of a journey by car is calculated as by using the mid-point range of AA motoring costs.
If you are in receipt of the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP,) this will be taken into account to inform the additional help you are awarded for travel costs as a student.
In England travel costs are not included in the DSA maximum cap, which in effect means they are uncapped.
How much DSA can I get?
Depending on where you live, the amount of DSA you could be entitled to varies. The maximum DSA entitlement will depend on your individual needs and will be determined by a needs assessment.
- In England, there is a single allowance of up to £27,783 (excluding travel) available to undergraduate and postgraduate students studying on a full-time or part-time course during 2025/26 academic year. In the 2024/25 academic year, up to £26,948 (excluding travel) is available.
- In Wales, there is a single allowance of up to £34,000 (excluding travel) available to undergraduate and postgraduate students studying on a full-time or part-time course during 2025/26 academic year. In the 2024/25 academic year, up to £33,460 (excluding travel) is available.
- In Northern Ireland, there is a single allowance of up to £25,000 (excluding travel) available to undergraduate and postgraduate students studying on a full-time or part-time course during 2024/25 academic year.
- In Scotland, there are three separate sub allowances which make up DSA. Full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students starting a course in 2024/25 receive an allowance of up to £1,725 per year for consumable items, an allowance of up to £5,160 for equipment, software and accessories and an allowance of up to £20,520 per year for non-medical help. For part-time students, the allowance is pro-rata. Therefore, the maximum amount you are eligible to receive is based on the intensity of your study.
Disabled students with high support costs, for example, hearing or visually impaired students, may find that DSA is not enough to cover all their support needs. Under the Equality Act, universities have a legal duty to support students who need extra services and support. The university disability adviser will be able to help you, although they might not be able to meet the full cost. You may have to apply for additional funding from other sources, such as charitable trusts. Disability Rights UK’s information Funding from Charitable Trusts lists some places you can apply to for extra funding.
How do I apply?
Where to apply
Depending on where you currently live, you should apply to one of the following agencies for DSA:
- In England apply to Student Finance England. You can apply at the same time as making your online UCAS application. For NHS-funded courses, you need to apply to NHS Student Bursaries for your DSA.
- In Wales apply to Student Finance Wales. For NHS funded courses, you will need to contact the Disability Service at your university to make an application. The university will liaise directly with NHS Wales.
- In Scotland apply to the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) for any course.
- In Northern Ireland apply to Student Finance Northern Ireland, including healthcare courses.
This does not apply to NHS-seconded students. You should check with your awarding authority if you're eligible for this support.
See the Further Information section of this factsheet for details on how to contact awarding authorities and bodies.
For postgraduate study:
- an awarding authority (depending on your course)
- Research council (if you get bursary funding from them)
See Disability Rights UK’s information Funding postgraduate education for Disabled students for further information and the contact details of postgraduate study awarding bodies, such as research councils.
How to apply
Once you have decided to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowance, there are several steps before you receive your equipment and support. At certain points you will need to take an active role in the process. This will be explained to you in letters from your Student Finance company. The application process can take around 14 weeks so it’s best to apply early in the year so that you have time to respond to the letters and emails before the summer holidays. You can usually apply for DSA at the same time as making your main online application.
If you’re applying for other student finance, you’ll be asked on your main application if you want to apply for DSA. When you have completed your main application you’ll be able to apply for DSA online. If you want to apply for DSA only and no other type of student finance you will need to complete a DSA1 application form which you can download from the Student Finance or SAAS website.
Before applying for DSA it can be helpful to have an early discussion with the disability adviser. Colleges and universities are expected to provide support as part of their duty to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ under the Equality Act 2010. They have direct responsibility for providing certain types of non-medical help (NMH) such as readers, scribes, proof readers, practical and library support assistants.
The disability adviser can help you complete the application form for DSA if needed.
You will be asked to send evidence of your impairment, health condition or disability.
The evidence can be a diagnostic assessment for a specific learning difficulty, the Disability Evidence Form or evidence from your doctor, consultant or other qualified medical practitioner. Medical evidence should state the nature of your disability and explain how it impacts you. If you have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan in England, this can support the diagnosis and be used to indicate the areas where you need support.
If you have a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia you will need to send your diagnostic assessment which tells you about your own learning profile. If the diagnostic assessment was carried out in 2012 or after, the psychologist must be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council as a practitioner psychologist.
Once you have submitted the form and evidence of your disability, Student Finance will email you a DSA1 notification confirming eligibility for DSA. Depending on your contact address, your application will then be assigned by Student Finance to a company called Study Tech or Capita who will be your single point of contact for your needs assessment, assistive technology, and training needs.
Needs assessment
If you tick the ‘consent to share’ box on your application form, you will receive an email from either Study Tech or Capita with a link to register on their system and start the needs assessment booking process. If you don't provide consent, you will be given the contact details of the supplier assigned to you to contact yourself.
Many students worry about what the needs assessment involves, especially if they had a previous assessment at school or through the health service where their voice wasn’t listened to or which only focused on what they couldn’t do. However, the needs assessment for DSA is not like this at all. Its purpose is to ensure you have the best possible opportunity in higher education to show your abilities, make good progress and achieve your goals.
You can choose to attend the needs assessment in-person or remotely via a video call, specifying any special requirements that you need to access the assessment, for example a BSL interpreter.
The needs assessor will discuss your course and identify areas where you might benefit from using computer technology. They will talk to you about different equipment and software and discuss its features. Assessors are experienced in the range of equipment and human support that’s available and will help you decide what’s best. They will write a report detailing recommendations for support. This report will be sent to Student Finance, and a copy to you if you wish.
Getting support in place
Once Student Finance has approved your package of support, you will be notified via a DSA2 entitlement notification. If you provided consent to be contacted, your assigned supplier (Study Tech or Capita) will contact you about next steps for delivery, set up of equipment and the training agreed. The DSA2 notification will also explain how to access other agreed support, such as non-medical help.
To ensure everything is ready for the start of term, it is important to complete these steps as early as you can. You can ask the Student Finance or your first-choice university for advice at any time. They are aware that it may seem a bit daunting and are very experienced in helping students through the process.
Further questions
What support should my college or university provide?
DSA can’t be used to pay for support that the university should be providing. The Equality Act 2010 places duties on universities and colleges to make reasonable adjustments and provisions for disabled students. Since September 2016 universities and colleges have the main responsibility for providing certain types of non-medical helper support. This includes scribes, readers, library support assistants proof readers, manual note-takers and examination support workers.
If you are in dispute with your college or university about the support or adjustments needed, an exceptional case process can be triggered when you make a formal complaint to the college or university. Interim support would be available to ensure Disabled students are supported until the dispute is resolved.
See Disability Rights UK’s information on Adjustments for Disabled students and Understanding the Equality Act: Information for Disabled students.
What if my needs change during my study?
You can apply for help to meet costs throughout your course up to the maximum amount of each allowance. If your needs change and you need further equipment or support, you should contact your needs assessment centre for further help or advice. Should you need a new study needs assessment, the cost will only be funded from DSA where Student Finance has authorised it for you to proceed.
What if I already have some of what I need?
When assessing your needs, awarding bodies may take into account what support you have already received, especially if you got equipment though DSA on a previous course. Any new equipment or software must be compatible with what you have already.
You can’t use DSA to reimburse you for something you have already bought yourself.
Will DSA affect my welfare benefits?
No. DSA is only for specific study related expenses. It doesn’t count as funding for daily living costs. DSA is completely ignored when deciding if you qualify for means-tested welfare benefits such as Universal Credit.
What if I am repeating periods of study?
Your awarding authority may agree to continue making DSA payments if, for reasons related to your disability, you have to repeat or extend your study in order to complete it. You should contact your awarding authority as early as possible about this.
What happens if I transfer to another course?
It should be possible for you to transfer your DSA support to another course, even at a different university. Changing course or university may mean that you need to have slightly different support in place, so you may have to contact your needs assessment centre for a variation on support or have a top-up needs assessment. Contact your awarding authority for advice.
What happens if I leave my course early?
If you leave your course, you should tell your awarding authority straight away. DSA can’t be paid after you have left your course.
Administration of DSA
Student Finance England will normally make payment directly to the organisation providing the service or equipment. You can be reimbursed for approved general expenses by submitting receipts of the purchases to your Student Finance company.
The equipment allowance is usually given to the supplier, who will then give you the equipment. You can usually get equipment before your course starts if you need time to get used to using it.
Depending on who administers the non-medical human support, the non-medical helper’s allowance can be paid directly to the university or an agency. Universities often have a register of support workers who they employ through the DSA.
In Scotland, SAAS are responsible for payment of DSAs. If you agree in writing, SAAS can make payments direct to suppliers or service providers.
In Northern Ireland, Student Finance Northern Ireland administers DSA payments.
If the DSA isn’t arranged in time for the start of term, ask the disability adviser or other staff at your university about temporary arrangements. They may be able to:
- make a loan payment from the Hardship Fund until your DSA is paid
- lend the equipment or make available the support you need
- explain to academic staff that you don’t have your support in place yet.
Appeals and complaints
Appeals should be made to the relevant awarding bodies. You may want to get advice from your university before doing this. See Disability Rights UK’s making a complaint resource.
Other funding
For general information on funding in higher education, such as loans and grants, see Disability Rights UK’s resource Funding higher education for Disabled students.
You may qualify for benefits or be already receiving them. The Disability Rights UK student helpline can give you information on applying for Universal Credit and what happens if you are claiming ESA.
The Hardship Fund at your college or university may be used towards initial diagnostic assessments of dyslexia or the £200 contribution you have to make towards the cost of a laptop or computer. This will depend on the college or university’s policy.
If you have additional disability costs that have not been covered by Disabled Students' Allowance or you don’t qualify for DSA, then you may be able to get funding from charitable trusts. See Disability Rights UK’s resource Funding from charitable trusts.
Further information
Disability Rights UK Student Helpline
For further information on the support that is available for disabled students, please contact our Disabled Students Helpline - 0330 995 0414.
We also produce a range of resources covering these subjects and frequently asked questions which you can access through our website at
Student Finance England resources
Quick Start Finance Guide
Interactive guides for students and parents with information about the different types of student finance available.
Available from:
Useful contacts
Department for Education (DfE)
Tel: 0370 000 2288
Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Email: Online contact form
Lead Scotland
Tel: 0131 228 9441
Textphone: 18001 131 228 9441
Helpline: 0800 999 2568
Organisation enabling disabled adults and carers to access inclusive learning opportunities in Scotland. Lead also runs an information and advice service for disabled students in Scotland.
Money Saving Expert
See Students & Schools section for money saving tips. 20 key facts on tuition fees, student loans and grants.
NHS Student Bursaries
Tel: 0300 330 1345
Open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 3pm
Email: Online contact form
X: @NHSBSA_Students
Facebook: www.facebook/NHSstudentbursaries
Social Work Bursaries
Tel: 0300 330 1342
Open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 3pm
Email: Online contact form
Information on NHS and social work bursaries, payment dates and downloadable application forms.
NHS Student Awards Unit, Wales
Tel: 029 2090 5380
Administers the NHS bursary in Wales.
Open University
Tel: 0300 303 5303
Phone line open Monday to Friday 8am to 5.30pm
Email: Online contact form
Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)
Tel: 0300 555 0505
Textphone: 0131 244 5107
Phone line open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am to 4pm
Email through the website by selecting an enquiry subject and completing an online form. SAAS is the awarding authority in Scotland.
Student Finance England
Tel: 0300 100 0607
Phone line open Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm
Central system for information on financial support and online applications for grants, loans and Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) in England.
Student Finance Northern Ireland
Tel: 0300 100 0077
Phone line open Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm
Information on financial support in Northern Ireland and contact details of regional Education Authority’s.
Student Finance Wales
Tel: 0300 200 4050
Textphone: 0300 100 1693
Phone line open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Provides information and administers financial support for HE students in Wales.
UCAS (The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)
Tel: 0371 468 0468
Phone line open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6pm
Textphone: 18001 0371 468 0468
X: @ucas_online
Instagram: ucas_online
The central admissions system which processes applications for higher education.
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
UKRI works in partnership with universities, research organisations, businesses, charities and government. It brings together the seven Research Councils UK, Innovate UK and a new organisation, Research England. The Research Councils cover medical and biological sciences, astronomy, physics, chemistry and engineering, social sciences, economics, environmental sciences and the arts and humanities. For information about contacting individual Research Councils see the contacts section of the UKRI website.
5 March 2025