Reports and research
Disability Rights UK produces reports aimed at influencing policy makers to promote independent living
We are disabled people leading change, working for equal participation for all - See Our priorities for 2016-19
1. Independent living: getting a life
Supporting fuel poor disabled people through energy efficiency measures Practitioner guide by UKERC, University of York and Disability Rights UK - The project was funded by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and delivered by the University of York’s Department of Social Policy and Social Work (SPSW), the Association for the Conservation of Energy (ACE), Disability Rights UK and the Children’s Society. 11 December 2018
Getting Things Changed Final report - This was a research project into the many barriers faced by disabled people, indicating what needs to be done to remove these. Disability Rights UK was a partner on this project. The findings from Getting Things Changed demonstrate that many public institutions such as hospitals or universities aren’t providing 'reasonable adjustments' for disabled people as outlined in the Equality Act 2010. 31 May 2018
Our Manifesto for disability rights in a post-EU UK - Disability Rights UK has produced a manifesto on what the disability rights sector should be seeking from a post-EU UK. June 2017
Our report to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - The committee is to review the United Kingdom’s (UK) progress in implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) – which the UK signed in 2009. January 2017
Affordable Papers - This report tackles big questions and themes such as: Is austerity necessary? Is it inevitable that disabled people are adversely affected? How can disabled people be supported to reduce the costs of aids and adaptations or goods and services sold to them? Can disabled people form community and what’s needed to achieve this? June 2016
Inclusive Communities - Today’s local communities are strongest when they enable all, diverse citizens to participate socially, economically and politically. Disability Rights UK has published guidance and a report on making local communities inclusive. August 2014.
User-driven commissioning: Building on the ‘lived experience’ of disabled people – Report on an informal programme to establish, support and strengthen user-driven commissioning in six local sites by focusing on three complementary stepping stones - December 2012
Peer Support and Personalisation - This report, produced by one of our legacy organisations, the National Centre for Independent Living, examines the evidence on peer support and links to personal budgets. The message from the report is that availability of peer support is essential in the drive to transform adult social care to give service users choice and control in how their individual support needs are met. December 2008.
Charging into Poverty? - This is a Coalition on Charging survey which looks at the impact homecare service charges have on disabled people, older people and carers. June 2008
Get Yourself Active Increasing participation in physical activity and sport evaluation report - This is an evaluation report highlighting the findings of the four years of the Get Yourself Active programme across the three strands of the programme: the Local Coordinator; Social Worker Guidelines; and Co-production.
2. Career opportunities – getting work, education and skills
Skills for employment for disabled people: A reflective report - This reflective report is designed to put forward ideas to improve skills for employment and career progression for disabled people. April 2014
Review of different approaches to work skills development for disabled young people (14-25) and disabled working adults in the UK and internationally – A literature review which informs Skills for employment for disabled people: A reflective report. April 2014
Ahead of the arc - All Party Parliamentary Group on Disability report offers Government a plan to support a million disabled people into work - December 2016
Disability and Employment - Reed and Disability Rights UK - August 2016
Peer support for employment: a practice review – Disability Rights UK
Peer support for employment: a practice review - executive summary
Peer support for employment: a review of the evidence – Work Foundation
Access to Long-term Unemployment - or Access to Work? - This report highlights current problems with Access to Work which stop disabled people from working. April 2015
Learning difficulties/disabilities: supported internship evaluation - This research report contains the findings from an evaluation of the Supported Internship pilot conducted by CooperGibson and Disability Rights UK. December 2013
Taking Control of Employment Support - This report argues that the government's work programmes are failing disabled people and argues that disabled people want to be in charge of their own support. October 2013
Getting in, staying in and getting on - Liz Sayce’s independent review of specialist disability employment programmes. June 2011
Doing Seniority Differently - A survey of disabled people holding senior management roles across the private, public and voluntary sectors. March 2010
3. Influencing public attitudes and behaviours
Press portrayal of disabled people: a rise in hostility fuelled by austerity? - Disability Rights UK has surveyed disabled people’s views of press coverage of disability – examining the rise of hostility towards disabled people and its causes - August 2012