Call for Evidence – Halving the disability employment gap
The All Party Parliamentary Group for Disability invites written submissions, addressing any of the following questions and themes, to inform its inquiry into how the Government can fulfil its pledge to halve the disability employment gap.
Deadline for submissions 11 July 2016
Business networks
What does an effective and inclusive business network look like? To what extent do disabled people participate in business networks? How can disabled people be supported to participate, exchange their skills, and support one another to work or start businesses? What external support is required to facilitate this?
More disabled people than non-disabled people are self-employed. What are the reasons for this? How do self-employment outcomes for disabled people compare with those for non-disabled people? What businesses have they started? Which ones are growing and why? What further support would make a difference to their viability and the disabled person’s quality of life? Which kinds of assistive technology facilitate work?
Research and development grants
To what extent do disabled people benefit from research and development grants? Are applicants and recipients monitored by disability status? What is the experience of disabled people in applying for and using these grants?
What is the scope for ethical and responsible procurement policies to create jobs for disabled people?
Growth sectors
What are the future growth sectors of the economy? What is the relative distribution of disabled employees in these sectors? What tailored policies would be required to increase disabled people’s employment in these sectors?
Organisational polices
Which workplace policies and practices (for example targeted recruitment, flexible working arrangements, specialist union representation) support successful employment for disabled people?
Please submit written responses electronically to: by Monday 11th July 2016. Evidence is invited from disabled people, their family and carers, their medical and healthcare teams, employers and employees, from local grassroots organisations to national companies, and everyone in between! Please post, tweet, and share the link to this page.
Guidance on written submissions to Select Committees and All Party Parliamentary Groups is identical: