Public consultation on DSA changes says Govt
The Government has confirmed that there will be a public consultation before any changes are made to Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)
Joseph Johnson Minister for Universities and Science stated in parliament:
“The Government are providing extra support for disabled students on an individual basis through the disabled students allowance. This can provide support to students with mental health issues. In the academic year 2012-13, just over £127 million was paid in DSA to about 56,000 full-time students. All students applying for DSA undergo a needs assessment interview to ascertain their specific requirements with regard to their chosen course of study. Students with mental health difficulties can apply for the full range of support available through
DSA, including specialist mentors, equipment and assistive technology, to help them overcome the barriers they face.
The proposed changes to DSA, will be subject to a public consultation. It is vital to remember that the changes are not about removing support, but about rebalancing the source of that support and ensuring that universities and other higher education institutions play a full role in delivering their legal duties under equality legislation. The aim will be to set clear guidelines on what the Government expect from institutions to ensure that students receive a consistent level of support and that the sector is clear where DSA is the most effective source of support. This is intended to improve the levels of support overall, including for students in receipt of DSA and disabled students who do not claim it. Under the proposed changes, students with mental health conditions will continue to have access to DSA-funded specialist support such as mentors.”
Disability Rights UK had already noticed that more disabled people were questioning the wisdom of going to university and chaired a campaign against these proposed changes.
You can find out more about DSAs in our applying for disabled students’ allowances factsheet