DR UK criticises new WCA stats


DR UK and other Disability Charities criticise the Work Capability Assessment after 32% of new claimants found fit for work

Following news that 32% of new claimants for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) were deemed as fit for work between October 2008 and March 2013, Philip Connolly, the policy manager for Disability Rights UK, said: “They are finding people fit for work when they aren’t and they are not even giving them the support they need to get a job. It is a disgrace. For more on this story go to http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jan/25/disabled-charities-fit-to-work-tests-benefit and http://www.homecare.co.uk/news/article.cfm/id/1562271/one-million-found-fit-to-work-annoucement-plays-into-narrative-disabled-cheating-system