Public Sector Equality Duty Review: Our response
The Public Sector Equality Duty Review
Responding to publication of the ‘The Public Sector Equality Duty review’, Disability Rights UK (DRUK) CEO Liz Sayce said:
“We welcome the Review’s recommendation that there is no change to the Equality Act 2010, underlying the crucial importance of a proactive and preventative approach to tackling inequality.
“However, we are concerned to see a recommended focus on “minimum compliance”. We believe this in itself does not encourage a strategic approach to what is proportionate and appropriate to each public sector organisation.
“The public sector equality duty works best when it is applied thoughtfully, using resources effectively to make organisations more efficient and effective.
“Guidance from DRUK, ‘Lights, Camera, Action: Promoting Disability Equality in the Public Sector’ provides many examples of how a strategic approach to tackling inequality within organisations brings wider benefits.
“We encourage public sector organisations to embrace the PSED for the contribution it can make to tackling inequality, managing organisational risk and opportunity, making best use of resources and promoting effective policy and services.”