Our response to the spending review


Disability Rights UK want to see social support that puts power in the hands of disabled people and enables us to fulfil our human right to participate in society

As a member of the Care and Support Alliance we welcome and echo the words of Richard Hawkes, Chair of the Care and Support Alliance, who said:

"The Care and Support Alliance is  pleased that the Chancellor has recognised the compelling moral and economic case for investing in social care. The care system has been chronically underfunded by successive governments and so we welcome the Government has taken this step.

“However our welcome is tempered on two fronts - firstly the potential impact of local authority budget cuts of 10% on social care services, which have been hit hard since 2010 and secondly as to whether this money will result in new frontline services for older, disabled people, the seriously ill and their carers.

The Government and local authorities must ensure that all of this funding results in a better social care system.

We are also deeply concerned that in explanatory papers accompanying the spending review, it would appear that the Government does not plan to widen access to the social care system from the current inadequate criteria. Since 2010, many tens of thousands of people who received have lost their vital social care services as local authorities restricted access criteria, Their needs have not disappeared, just the support they received leaving them more isolated and in many cases at risk. “

You can find out more about the 2013 Spending Review at disabilityrightsuk.org/news/2013/june/spending-review-2013