Welfare Rights Advice Service for Member Organisations
This service provides welfare benefits email advice to Disabled People's Organisation advisers and advisers from Disability Rights UK member organisations only and not individuals.
We can telephone advisers in response to queries when needed.
Email: ken.butler@disabilityrightsuk.org at any time
Emails will be stored and used in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations.
Hosting our advice service is Ken Butler. Ken’s background in the welfare rights advice sector spans three decades.
If you are a disabled person seeking independent welfare benefits advice we suggest instead you contact Scope's Disability Information and Advice Line on Freephone 0808 800 3333.
Although we are unable to provide a welfare rights advice service for individuals we do provide information about benefits through our benefits information pages listed below.
For information on other sources of independent advice see our Getting Advice factsheet.
Disabled individuals seeking advice on Personal Budgets, Direct Payments, or other elements of social care, contact our personal budgets helpline.
Disabled individuals seeking advice on further or higher education, contact our students helpline.
Calls cost up to 13p per minute from a landline and 3p to 55p per minute from a mobile.